Saturday, June 20, 2015

Time for a Cool Change

Hello sweet friends,
I am going to once again attempt to translate what I hear in my soul. It is mostly a "song" like a bird singing or a musical instrument playing but for human purposes God gave us writing I suppose.

So here I go. With Saturn having been in Scorpio for the last couple of years and finishing up its stint here in September, we are rounding out the energy waves of traversing the deep and the dark. And the old and the weary and the weak and the flimsy. It has been a time of strengthening and letting go, finishing and maturing. And blossoming what is true and real. Scorpio gives us the chance to probe deep and with Saturn cracking the whip, we are able to see exactly what we are afraid of and holding onto. It is like the little child walking into the dark room by herself or staring into the dark closet at night wondering what is lurking in there. And Saturn is like Yoda standing there to show us that there is nothing there but fantasy and old astral travels pickling the mind.

As I mentioned before in previous writings, the hell realms (the lower astral), are also being exposed as that is a part and path of Scorpio. Scorpio lives in the night and the underworld but also because she is feminine knows how to rise above it. That is the beauty and power of Scorpio. -(The Phoenix rising up out of the blue ashes of the ethers only to find herself evolved and triumphant.) - Glorified and renewed because she extinguished the night and found her faith. She is gold. But one caveat, she must release her jealousy of her own soul and get out of the way. (A master's lesson in evolving the night.)

These times are destroying the night and asking us to believe in what is true and righteous. When we see the night, we are able to grasp what is actually pulling us up out of it. We are then able to hold onto what is valuable and free. This is giving us the chance to slough off the dirty energy and mixed beliefs about who we are and how we arrived here. In addition, the ancestral karma, ties and binds are also waiting to be pulled up out of the deep like roots and cords that have been tying us to deception.  As I recall a dream where skeletons were rising up out of the earth and returning to the sky to be reborn in life. This is all a part of the "Rapture" that is occurring now and has been for sometime now. The earth is rumbling, the sky is tumbling and our bodies are returning to their original form of Light. ( the free cells!!)

When we arrive at the pinnacle of our soul's choice or summit of the Light we will be met with the memory of the ego's choice to mess around with tricksters, jokers, clowns and dull bastard frequency that lies and deceives the heart. This I mentioned before and it is death energy and very hot. It destroys things because it has an attachment to death and demon energy. It is very sneaky and it is also attached to levels of the occult that is a distraction and disruption in heaven's love. All because its energy "takes" and steals. It is a "takers" mentality. It doesn't know how to give and won't wait for the power of love. It is devoid of faith.  It lurks subtly in the bodies of the ancestors and minds of people who inhabit the earth. It truly created a slavery mentality and a victim code.

We are arriving at a place of home in the mind and soul, where there is no more wandering in dark points of space. We are coming to the realization that evil exists along side the heart but it cannot delude our minds and thoughts anymore or trick us and pull us down into lower earthly planes or shadow mentality and that is the blessing and balance of Saturn at this particular junction point.

I can tell you that there is a "cross" at the South Pole of our minds and it saves. This is the "flip of the poles" and turning point of the Rapture and God wants us to believe in Him and nothing else. The cooling comes when we believe in Light and Life. The long, slow cool woman is the righteous path. She is alive and lives in everything and destroys what is weak and destructive. Her coming is upon us. And Masters have told us that the "second coming" would be by Mary. Her dance reveals trust in God and faith in what He is. She gives us the ability to live on earth free of corruption. Her song is humility, mercy, gentleness, and a respect for all living things.

The mind and body "think", therefore it heats.  The soul cools because it  simply "is". This is mercy and a new body of Light that is wired in faith.  Something we are coming to receive here.

I thank you for your ears. Love, peace and cool waves of life be upon you,
(With Archangel Michael, Metatron, Sanat Kumara and the Prism Sirius Masters)

"O glorious Archangel St. Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King and our admirable conductor, you who do shine with excellence and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil, who turn to thee with confidence and enable us by your gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully everyday."

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